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We have been working in Israel since 2004 and much of that has been serving God with our dear friends at Christ Beit Hallel Messianic Church!  Pastor Isrsel Pochtar and his wife Vicki have two sons who have been called up to the military during this recent War with Hamas.  It is a dangerous and critical situation!

I have included the latest note from one of the Pochtar's sons, Sason! He is a dear brother and close friend since he was 12 years old.  On one of my visits several years ago, I led Sason's girlfriend, and now wife and mother of two, to Jesus! What a thrill to walk together through all these years!  But this horrible War has changed the lives of thousands of people on both sides of the fighting...

I would also like to include the latest posting from their Church-


Shalom, dear Jerry! 

Yes, because of the situation I’m on the field most of the time so I don’t have even my phone with me, So unfortunately, I cannot always answer and reply, It’s been crazy weeks, Much better now, Thank you for praying for us, Weeks I had a lot of questions, but now everything’s good, Lost some friends so it’s always tough. 

So right now I have my phone with me so I have a few minutes to answer. 

Love you so much. Thank you for all the support over the years!!!

From Beit Hallel:   There was a drastic shift on October 7 and our VOJI teams knew that God was also calling our ministry in Israel to shift. Our regular ministry work would need to take a back seat to the crucial work He was setting before us now. If there was ever an opportunity to share God’s love with the people of Israel, it was now. When people are afraid, grieving, and hurting the most, that’s when God’s love through acts of kindness can have the greatest impact on hearts. 

The VOJI/Beit Hallel Congregation is well known for its compassion and volunteer work. There has always been a spirit of generosity and service in the people who serve. This past month surpassed all our expectations. People were eagerly volunteering for anything that was needed, wanting to help, bless, and pray for people. They wanted to be part of making a difference in the lives of the hurting and lost. 

Our teams visited with hospital medical staff who have been working around the clock since the war broke out, bringing them food or anything else they needed. We also went out to areas threatened by dangerous rocket fire to visit people in bomb shelters. We brought groceries, food, clothing items, games, and toys for children who were spending days and nights hearing nonstop alarms and rocket fire. Thanks to you, we've delivered thousands of hot meals and food baskets to affected families. What a joy it was to see the immense gratitude in their eyes and their hearts open to God. 

In Ashkelon, we found many elderly people and mothers with small children all living in a bomb shelter together. We brought them brand new refrigerators, beds, and mattresses, but most importantly, we were able to bring them comfort and encouragement in these difficult times. 

Many other families were isolated in their homes, unable to leave their apartments to even do simple grocery runs.

Our team went from house to house, to deliver everything they needed, to make sure their children had a small reason to smile. 

The massive mobilization of 360,000 reservists has touched many of our congregation's families directly. Our congregation personally has sent 36 soldiers into the IDF to join the war effort, including two of pastor Israel’s sons, our worship leader, and many other valuable members of our congregation who are brothers, sons, and fathers. When our reserve soldiers from Beit Hallel were called up to the frontline alongside the Gaza border, as well as the northern border, because of your invaluable friendship and support, we were able to supply them with lifesaving bulletproof vests, to ensure that they are protected while protecting us. It is so rewarding for us to be able to provide our soldiers with special food and whatever needs they had in the field (like thermal wear, first aid kits, etc). 

Thank you for sharing this journey with us and for walking alongside us in this difficult season. As we continue and press forward in reaching the people of Israel with the love of God, rest assured you are with us, right alongside us, your helping hand and loving heart are felt and it transforms the lives of the Israeli people. 

There’s so much more ahead and so much more work to be done. However, what we have been able to accomplish in the last month thanks to your eager and unconditional support is absolutely remarkable! You have been a bigger blessing to the people of Israel than you can possibly imagine! You truly have been our brothers’ keepers. 

Let’s not grow weary in doing good. This is the best time we have to share about God’s love and the love of our Christian friends from the nations. Let’s continue to bless the people of Israel as it is fighting for its survival. Pray with us and support Israel every chance you get, because every bit matters, and every bit makes a big difference!


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