In Acts chapter 6 as the early church started to take off, church leaders realized the needs of the local church body were growing and required separate dedicated leadership support.  We prayerfully assigned wise elders, led by the Holy Spirit, to oversee caring for the needs of the body.  The JCSL Internal Care team is founded on this idea.  The team's foundational verses, Psalm 127:1 and Romans 12:10-13, are the basis of our work: We are here to serve each other and can only do it with God's direction and provision.  A group of 12 or so cannot take care of everything on their own, but the team prays, listens, shares needs and works with the gifting’s of the whole body to see needs met. 

Our mission statement is: In love, to prayerfully consider how to recognize, serve and support the needs of our church body; to enable communication, encouragement and hope. The team takes love, service and sacrifice as prime directives from the Lord.  We are always open to those who want to serve in ways big and small.  The Internal Care Team sponsors large events like couples events, family game nights and small events like a meal delivery or a ride to the doctor.  Many are the needs of any congregation and together we are there for each other.