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Sergei Orluk is a pastor, musician and gifted worship leader in Ukraine who is constantly on the front lines with our doctors giving aid and comfort in every possible way...

 Hello dear brother Jerry

We are incredibly glad that you are coming to Ukraine again and we will see each other again.  all this time we remembered you, prayed and thanked the Lord for you and your family and church.  I believe that God has always been and is with you.  All this time He continues to protect us and bless us with work and especially service to people.  For two weeks every month, I participate in medical projects with teams of volunteer doctors and nurses from America.  It is interesting that Maksym and Lev Prystupyuk are also quite powerfully involved in these projects.  So we see each other much more often now than before.  And Lev and I usually live in the same room in the hotel.  This year we celebrate Easter on April 9.  therefore, as always, we want to hold a morning service on Volodymyrska Hirka.  Today Lesya and I rehearsed songs.  Will also be Good Friday.  A special service where we will also sing.  Helped for several days in a row to sort and distribute things to people: humanitarian aid and food kits.  I am now praying to teach children and teenagers how to play musical instruments.  That God would show such children and give them their desires.  I believe that the new generation will eventually serve the Lord and their country and their people.  We pray for our defenders.  Several of my friends are now near Bakhmut.  Lesya and I keep in touch.  My last trips were to the Mykolaiv region.  visited several villages that were recently liberated (November).  some villages are completely destroyed.  Some partially.  The land is contaminated by mines.  Unfortunately, people and livestock continue to be undermined to this day.  But the Good Lord that many people have converted to Him thanks to this whole terrible situation!  I have heard many, many such stories.  Praise God!  now about my next trip: I am returning from Mykolaiv and Odesa on April 25 in the afternoon.  and would be glad to see you at any time convenient for you.  We will act based on the situation.  And for now we trust God for our coming days and weeks.  May the Lord keep you and me on the road.  and see you soon.  My congratulations and hugs to your wife Sue!  Abundant Blessings!  With love, brother Serhiy Orlyuk.  Also convey my sincere big congratulations to Max and his family! 


Steve Carlson about 1 year ago

Pastor Sergei says, “ But [praise/thank] the Good Lord that many people have converted to Him thanks to this whole terrible situation!” I am struck by how this pastor glorifies God for some results of such monstrosity. God’s plan happens despite man & Satan’s best efforts to undermine it (to use Pastor Sergei’s term). And I will someday hopefully meet him and these saints. AND we are so fortunate to have Max and Nastya & family with us here!!!

Anita Turner about 1 year ago

Hi Jerry - here an article about the woman in Helena who delivers needed medical supplies to Ukraine. She was just there for 3 1/2 weeks in March. Her charity is called Hands on Global. This last trip she made was to deliver surgical supplies. I tried to send this through your email and it wouldn't go through. Go figure that some aptly named "mail demon" would interfere with this info. Take care my friend.

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