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During this return trip to Chernivtsi there was one moving encounter after another but one in particular stood out to me, it was a Bible study for young couples, whose ages ranged from probably early 30's to mid 40's.  They are a part of a small church near our discipleship house.  I had preached at their church a couple weeks before and I think they were  curious to hear more.  It started out almost Soviet style- stern faces, a little nervous small talk and then silence.We started talking about husbands and wives from Eph. 5:21-26.  Verses 22-24 is usually as far as most sermons make it but when we talked about the husbands role to love like Jesus- loving his wife more than himself, preferring her desires over his own and like our Lord, laying our life down for our bride God broke open the doors!   The Spirit filled that house and as we talked not only about our own household, but what this does to bring integrity to our witness in the world, people began to give testimony, and ask for forgiveness with great tenderness and tears!  At 9:30 pm after everyone had had a long day I asked them when did they want to quit and go home but God had so filled our hearts that we didn't get out of there until almost 11 pm! Sunday morning, June 2nd, I was asked to speak at the Central Baptist Church in Chernivtsi.  God was with us and I realized again how powerful the prayers and fasting have been through out this mission trip!  The time in Service was not only stunning but with people of all ages afterward who are just hungry for the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ!  Amazing! We had a wonderful time at lunch with the Kushnir family and the young orphans at the discipleship house!  One of the beautiful young ladies, Lena, was turning 13 the next day.  Many of those who come out of orphanages have never had a birthday party! We had pizza and then ice cream sundaes!  Max ran across the street to get candles with a 1 and a 3 so we could sing as she made her wish and blew out them out!  It was fun and touching even for the staff that worked there! That night after all the meetings the pastors called and took us out for dinner.  It was a sweet time of friendship but also a valuable time to dream together and help sort out some long standing difficulties in the church.  They are dear brothers and earnestly trying to choose Christ over the status quo, which is a great challenge everywhere but certainly here...

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