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Tonight June 17th, after we had spent the day in the slums, Enos set up an appointment with the leading Gubernatorial candidate who was having a meeting with regional leaders of one of the soccer clubs in Kenya.  Soccer and political success go hand in hand here.  He is campaigning to become the chair of this soccer club which has 6 million members and it looks like he will get it this weekend.  Kenyans usually vote in a block by tribe and then by sports affiliation.  It was really interesting to watch the discussion.  I wanted to slip in the back but they made us sit at the head table.  At the end of the meeting they wanted an introduction and then asked me to pray.  The gubernatorial candidate is on my right and then they wanted individual pictures and gave me their club's soccer scarf!  Amazing warmth and kindness but then God has done miraculous things through this whole trip to honor the faithful prayers of our Lord Jesus and His saints who are fasting and praying back home!  May He use all this favor and mercy for His glory!

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