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I was asked to speak at a couple sessions of this year's Pastors' Conference in the Kharkiv region. The shelling of the main city and surrounding region continues but these dear saints are standing strong and deeply committed to their beloved congregations!  There were several couples that were from recently liberated towns who had suffered tremendous deprivations and loss under Russian occupation!  One was in prison and they wouldn't allow anyone to know where he was and the conditions in a large common cell were inhuman!  Another pastor there had been attending these conferences with his son-in-law and fellow pastor Zhenya, who was killed last month in a rocket attack! He talked about all that Zhenya's wife, children and church have suffered since that day!  This father-in-law, Vitali, and  I preached together the following day at the Central Baptist Church in Kharkiv (unbeknownst to me ahead of time his message was about being 'thankful')- there were no few tears that morning... Zhenya's widow was at the Service.  

God has called me on this trip to preach about "Love and Forgiveness", particularly the Russians! The Pastors' Conference is very important because these men lead thousands of believers in the region, so their teachings and modeling are critical for the church!  It was a pretty raw time and not an easy conference but God showed His amazing love and strength throughout the time and two days later we are seeing even more of His mercy and fruit from our time together!  

On Sunday, I preached, actually my partner Dr. Lev. preached while I was speaking in tongues (English), on "You can't be Thankful and Grumble at the Same Time!".  There is a world of difference between someone who can keep their eyes on Jesus and be Thankful (I Thess. 5:18) and one who is full of complaints!  The saints have found great joy in this teaching everywhere I have gone so far!    

I left in the middle of that Service to hurry over to Central Baptist again, as their Service started an hour later, where I talked on the theme of "Love and Fogiveness". There was God's merciful grace in the people's response and much encouragement, but one lady came running up to me at the end of the Service and said, " Jerry, I will never, never, never forgive the Russians!" My eyes started to water up and I said, "Then dear sister you have no hope of being saved!"- Matthew 6:14,15/ Matthew 18:21-35/ James 2:13...  One of the Ukrainian speaking pastors spent time with her afterward and I think by the time she left church God had brought more peace to her heart...    What is going on here is not a polite conversation, it is a daily matter of life and death!  I know that these messages God has given me, for this time, are His Word to address the danger the church is facing from the devil's desire to divide the saints and hijack our faith, unity and Christ's Gospel of love! There have been many meetings and personal conversations about this topic with amazing unity, by God's power and grace!  But it is not an easy time and the greatest loss, above all else, would be the loss of our faith and ability to love like Jesus loves- even in a time of War!! 


Blair Bolles over 1 year ago

Their faith is being battle tested beyond what most of us will ever experience, so glad you’re walking with them through the flames.

Anita C Turner over 1 year ago

Overwhelming. All I can do is add an Amen to Blair's comment

Steve Carlson over 1 year ago

What would I, Steve, do if another country decided to lay waste to my land and countrymen? My living situation will never be the same. Many of my family and friends are either dead or scattered. How forgiving would I be then? But I’m glad that Pastor Jerry reminds me how vital it is.

Thank you, Pastor Jerry, for this teaching. We need each other to point us to the truth. We need each other to model love, words and faith that conform to Jesus. I’m praying for the salvation of that distressed woman, the Russian soldiers who have done terrible things, and for Mr. Putin. And for your safety.

Freda Bingham over 1 year ago

Praying you will be ßafe,sustained and refilled with God,s presents .always. his will,his wqy.I am thankful. Well the list is so long. Blessings,love .miss

Marilyn Holms over 1 year ago

Jerry and Dr. Levi,
Thanks Jerry for YOUR endurance ,obedience to message of forgiveness you preach. That people are receiving it. Hope Anna finds courage to begin to decide to forgive. I honor you as friend your life journey..l have only began..

Marilyn Holms over 1 year ago

Jerry and Dr. Levi ,

Thank you for being faithful to the message He has called you too..I also thank the their or teachable spirits. Anna that will come a place of peace step to begin to forgive . You last statements are truth about the church. He has called you at this time to give this message. You are obedience gives honor to his name. Jerry, I have long way tom mature in my walk him. Jerry l so honored to be your friend and witness your life before him. Blessings to
DR.. LEVI who is partnering with sharing the message and taking good care of you. Blessings. Marilyn.

Betty over 1 year ago

I see a picture of roots going down deep into the reality of Jesus and his power and majesty. Ephesians 3:14-21 come powerfully to mind. That all “being rooted and grounded in love…” that the Lord will do more than we could ever ask or think. I ask for our matchless Heavenly Father to pour the truth of those words into the inner being of every person who is looking to Him for an answer. And for Him to glorify Himself through all this suffering. Sent from one who has hardly suffered and yet knowing when one suffers we all suffer. He is Supreme.

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