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We just arrived at  Sason's apartment - he and his 'little brother' Guy picked me up! (Sason and Guy Pochtar are Israel and Vicki's boys!)

We had' a wonderful hour drive sharing faith and God's amazing work! 


Marilyn Holms over 1 year ago

So glad you will be with special friends like Sasson and Sophia and guy drove you there. I keep up with them on their blog on Facebook. So proud of his leads hip with the youth.
He puts good pictures on it too. You will be seeing Israel too l imagine. Praying for money will multiply for you. Blessings Marilyn Please greet for me.

Sue Hughes over 1 year ago

Thank you once again Lord.
Looks like you have a bodyguard in Tel Aviv too!
All of you are covered in love and prayers.
May you all be covered in His Mercies.

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