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I am delighted to let you know that Jerry arrived safely in Lasi, Romania!!  Rolfe, who flew in from Virginia, was able to meet him there and dear friend, Max, drove from Chernivtsi to meet them and will drive them back across the border:

"... Right now we are waiting to cross the Romanian border into Ukraine.  There are a lot of cars so it has taken almost two hours so far...but we did find a McDonalds in Lasi! (smiley)

  There is no internet coverage here so I am not sure when this note will get off.  Everything has gone well so far ... We know our God can handle anything!!
...We are hoping to clear customs before curfew tonight, it will be close! But we are having fun watching God do one amazing thing after another..."

The beautiful sunflower painting was done by Max's gorgeous and talented wife Nastya and I thought this was an incredibly appropriate time to share it with you all, along with the translation of her powerful words! She is living out in amazing way what it really means to be Salt & Light in an incredibly dark place right now:

I believe that our eyes will see victory! Victory over evil and darkness! I am waiting for the coming of Christ! Now is the time to strengthen our faith, trust and confidence in God! "If the fig tree would not blossom, and there would not be a harvest in the vineyards, the occupation of olive deceived, and the food field would not bear, the flock would disappear from the cathedral and would not be in the cattle - so I will rejoice in the Lord and then, rejoice in the Savior not your own! The Lord God is my srength and He makes my feet like a deity, and He guides me on the heighrts!" Ex. 3:17-19 


Anita C Turner about 2 years ago

The painting is has a movement and freedom to it and it implies this woman's heart is full of faith, grace and the Holy Spirit. YOU found a McDonalds!!!! This is proof that 1)God exists, 2)God is good...all the time and 3) you can take the yankee out of the USA but you can't take the USA out of the yankee. Way to go. Take care and can't wait to hear what great things you are going to see and do. Pretty exciting!

Marilyn Holms about 2 years ago

Good news you are connected with Rolfe. You may great favor as you cross the border. He is faithful leading the way. Your post puts my eyes on the Him. You are a gifted writer especially you talk about Him. Give Nastya a hug. That painting is beautiful gives glory to him.. and brings hope. BLESSINGS, Marilyn.

Marilyn Holms about 2 years ago

Good news you are connected with Rolfe. You may great favor as you cross the border. He is faithful leading the way. Your post puts my eyes on the Him. You are a gifted writer especially you talk about Him. Give Nastya a hug. That painting is beautiful gives glory to him.. and brings hope. BLESSINGS, Marilyn.

Katelyn about 2 years ago

What a beautiful and timely painting from Nastya. Thank you, Sue, for sharing and for letting us know that everything has gone well so far. Praise God!

William VanderMeer about 2 years ago

Praying and following the mission!

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