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The War in Ukraine is one of the most devastating events of my life and many others as well!  We have been walking with brothers and sisters in Christ in both Russia and Ukraine for over 30 years!  Almost everyone in both Countries has aunts, uncles, grandparents, moms, and dads on the other side!

The deaths in this terrible conflict are now in the 100's of thousands! There can be so much bitterness that even believers can forget that we have sincere followers of Jesus, brothers and sisters on the other side! 

The latest post is a beautiful picture of how a difficult situation in Krasnodar, Russia is processed by Jesus followers who love each other.  This is not the way of the World but all of the saints on both sides of this issue are Kingdom builders- not ego builders and God's family is growing because of it!

Dear Jerry, at this point I want to include my Vova's note about the decisions that the Lord has made clear these days. This is a continuation of our letters about what has been happening in the last 9 months. I'll attach this below:

 "Shalom, dear Brother Jerry! Some time ago, the Lord began to give me a revelation more and more clearly that it was time for us to act and that it was time to leave the father's household and follow Him.

During this time, God has done a great job, freeing us from doubts and small differences of opinion on some issues that came from certain people of our church. Several conversations took place, where we in peace opened our hearts and covered all topical issues.

At the beginning of August, the Holy Spirit called me to talk with  older brothers in Church, and then to refer to the council of the church. I told the brothers that we consider the church of Krasnodar to be our family, in which He gave birth to us and raised us up to a certain time. There was no wrongdoing or wronged behind us, but a helping hand is always directed in their direction. I also said that our understanding of the "family" within the church is different from the understanding (revelation) that God gave to the older brothers in his time. And it's not about what is right and what is not. It's about a GOD who leads a certain way, revealing what He considers necessary at a certain time. He gave one revelation to the elder brothers and led them one way, and He gave us another revelation and is now leading us a slightly different way.

But this does not make us cease to be a spiritual family in Christ. And this is the depth and diversity of the facets of God, who incredibly gathers completely different people under Him. Glory to Him!

We feel that for our part we have done everything possible for further communication in love and harmony with those with whom we have been in the community for a long time.

So, in peace and blessing the church, God brought us out.

Now is the time when we are in "fresh water" (like a leaven) giving God the opportunity to move our course and direct our actions. As we wrote to you earlier, we continue to gather with several families who came out of the church a little before us. When we gather together, we glorify God and share with each other how He performs His wonderful deeds in each other's lives and how He renews our thinking and understanding of His Word. We expect what the Lord will do next, and we will keep you informed about how the Holy Spirit will guide us further. 

Peace be upon you, dear brother!"

Dear Jerry and Sue, we hope that you are in good health and we bless you both in Christ Jesus, may His grace and mercy be with us all, amen! In His love, lyuba.

1 Comment

Marilyn Holms 7 months ago

This letter Jerry l think is bringing churches together. To support each other and build kingdom. So inspiring and leading of the holy spirit. When live such hard times. Bless you Jerry.

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