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We had a full day with the lead pastors in the Kharkiv region on Saturday April 29th! I love these friends who have been so faithful and diligent under the most trying of circumstances!   I gave two messages that I thought might end up getting me to be tarred and feathered! The first one was on honoring our wives as co-heirs and equals in Christ as we co-labor together!  It was a difficult concept last Fall as we broached the subject which challenges a ton of long-standing culture and traditions!  I just tried to stick with Scripture and the dear Holy Spirit opened one door after another!  He is amazing!   The next topic was "Love and Forgiveness!" Another difficult message in the middle of War!  When I started speaking about this the Holy Spirit just challenged me to throw out all I had prepared and speak just as He led! Again, many responded with much thoughtfulness and real tenderness to what Jesus taught us! It may have been the most difficult message I have ever given because you are talking to people who have lost loved ones, homes and face the real possibility of seeing their Country overrun by the Russia invasion!  But the Kingdom of God and teachings of Jesus supercede even the most precious things in this World- Luke 14:26,27/ I John2:15-17 

Rolfe has done a great job on this trip despite some health issues and as most know, travel is not easy!  He did a wonderful job sharing at the National Youth Conference and at two separate churches since we have been here in Kharkiv! Rolfe talked about the talents in Matthew 25 and it was a great encouragement to many!


Terry and Katelyn about 1 year ago

Thank you Pastor Jerry and Rolfe for your faithfulness to share what the Holy Spirit puts on your heart!

Blair & Kay Bolles about 1 year ago

We’re proud of you two for your faithfulness, praying for strength and abundant stamina!

Steve Carlson about 1 year ago

I can’t help but think of the many physical impediments that get in the way of these challenging travels. Then add the constant threat of missiles. And the pain from 14 months of the Ukrainian hosts and friends losing family and their friends. And personal health problems. And Pastor Jerry and Mr. Carawan are not sleeping in nice hotel rooms. And they’re away from home. And it’s cold. Then add the messages for people who may want only a handshake and a hug, not a wake-up call.
[Lord God, You are sovereign, and Your plan is best, but please end the war now. Thank You for your great plan of salvation. Please bring more not-yet believers into Your kingdom. I look forward to hearing their stories someday. Please help us all to listen to You and apply what’s important. Please help us to be forgiving when it is hard to do. Please keep Pastor Jerry and Mr. Carawan safe. Give them rest. Refresh them, and let them strongly sense Your comfort and presence.]

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