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Photos: 1) Walking to church 2) Enos home 3) Group outside Geal and Dan's home 4) Geal's store-front 

It has been a busy couple days and yet we have barely started our trip. In Nairobi we are staying at Enos' house. On our first day, as we struggle to get used to the 10 hour time difference, we sat with Enos for a very helpful update on the lunch programs and the farm and  heard about new dreams and opportunities.  

We visited his church on Sunday. Although the songs were sung in Swahili we could feel the love and praise for the same Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The message was a very good word on the lost son parable. After church we spent the afternoon with Enos' sister Geal (pronounced "Jill") and her family who we (Brighton’s and Davies) met on our trip 7 years ago.  Geal cooked us a wonderful lunch and we had time to visit and hear about each of the girls and Geal's husband Daniel. 

After meeting Geal on the last trip, the Davies supported Geal going to culinary school, so it was pure joy to then walk to her little local restaurant called Agape Eatery to see the fruits of her hard work and God's great blessing. "It's a humble beginning" she told us, but we thought it amazing. Tomorrow we are off to see the schools we support in Nairobi.

Thank you for your prayers for us and our dear Kenyan brothers and sisters in Christ.  General prayer requests from travelers and Kenyans include sustained health, safety, provision and growth in Christ.


Steve Carlson 4 months ago

I pray that the effects of the ten hour time zone difference go away quickly. Also praying that helpful insights pop up frequently, and relationships increase. And that transportation is safe and comfortable. Please bring back some fun things like venomous snakes.

M a rilyn Holms 4 months ago

Thanks for great pictures. What a joy to see Jill's bakery . Off course Marcy with the sweet children. All you catch up on the jet-lag. Good sleep. The children, parents and teachers would flourish and have good health. You would get good understanding of the feeding program. Marilyn

Terry and Katelyn 4 months ago

Thank you for the update and pictures and serving as ambassadors of God at work. Blessings as you continue on tomorrow and a happy birthday to Judy!

Anita Turner 4 months ago

Well I am a day late and a dollar short on this comment.....or is it 10 hours and 5 day late, lol. Since I am seeing this just before you head home I am going to pray for a safe return trip with no turbulence, good food, a nice long nap on the flight and one or two really excited dogs when you all get home. I pray you let them jump all over you with joy - I would do that too if I was a dog. I also pray that your mission was blessed with His presence every where you went and He inspired everyone you met. Can't wait to hear all of the details. Thanks for being not only God's example of what we should be and accomplish but also for being our ambassadors. You guys rock.

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