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Not surprisingly, the days are busy from early morning to late night with little time left for sharing - but we do have a few updates from Pastor Jerry!

(Wed) It was a great time on the radio, about 40 minutes of sharing. Then an hour workout followed by our afternoon meeting. I had about an hour to rest and then heading to preach at the evening Service, with a meeting afterward. 

(Thurs.) We arrived at the mountain resort a couple of hours ago. It is in a ski area with beautiful chalets for miles and miles and I have never heard of it before! Our rooms are pretty basic, with bunk beds and a bathroom down the hall, but clean and pretty new. It looks like they have me sharing 2 or 3 times - a couple seminars and with the the whole group before we depart on Saturday. Your prayers are always a gift!

(Fri.) The speaking this afternoon went very well , by God's great grace. It was supposed to be just a seminar before dinner but basically all 300 people showed up and it seemed to have been very useful. God is so faithful!

(Sat) It has been a great conference and now we are waiting for Lev to cross the border to pick us up and take us to Lviv. 

Finally, Jerry also shared that he has a frustrating chest cold so I'm counting on you joining me in prayer for his healing and protetion! 





Judy about 1 year ago

Your updates are always appreciated.
We continue to pray for the hearts of all hearers and for a spirit of forgiveness as hearts empty themselves of hatred and resentment to be filled afresh with God's love.

Steve Carlson about 1 year ago

Lord God, please keep Jerry, Mr. Carawan and Dr. Lev safe. Please heal Jerry’s cold. Please help them reach people’s hearts. Please ease their travels. Please give them rest and food. Please buoy the spirits of all they meet. Please comfort all Ukrainians and Russians. Please end the war. Help all to see the good sense of loving Jesus and each other.

Ginean about 1 year ago

Lord I thank you for Jerry’s most excellent health! YOU are the air he breathes. No weapons or schemes of the enemy will succeed against Jerry in Jesus name. ❤️

Marilyn Holms about 1 year ago

Jerry was so glad to hear from you. Soundsl li ke the messages the Lord has given you are spot on.Rolfe so blessed you are speaking too.. Praying for your head cold to be gone. Safe travels with Dr. Lev. God is opening doors for me move into Wesley. House is for Sale now. Let you more news soon
.l am so thankful
. Blessings to both three of you.

Marilyn Holms about 1 year ago

This last message is from Marilyn

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