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Dr. Lev Prystupiuk continues to serve refugees and civilians in the most dangerous situations in Ukraine during this horrific War!  Occasionally he has the opportunity to return to his small apt. in the Capitol city, Kiev. Usually this allows him some time to work in his office as the medical rep. for European Union and some much needed down time, but as you can see from his letter the bombs never stop...

Dear brother Jerry,

Thank you very much for your prayers and encouraging words. I would like to share that my mom is doing well and she is returning to Kyiv next week. And also I would like to testify how the Lord loves us and protects His children. Last week part of the rocket exploded in a house opposite our house in Kyiv where I live. Thank God no one was seriously injured, but most of the apartments in my house were damaged, many people had their windows and window frames knocked out and there were various damages. But, by the grace of God, a rocket fragment hit the window frame of my apartment and not one glass was broken. A fragment of the rocket pierced through the frame, but did not damage the glass and everyone survived.

We must thank the Lord for every day that He gives us and glorify Him every day.

I am praying for you and your family.

And I really hope we can see each other soon after you finish your book and I trust you will be fine with your move.

In God’s love,


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