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As this terrible War in Ukraine drags on with mounting casualties and thousands of deaths on both sides, I find an awful bitterness growing, even in the Church, against Russians! This horrible War is perpetrated by evil, self-serving leaders who think nothing of the loss of life, limb and unimaginable grief for thousands of families but only their own greed, selfish ambition and power!  

But we fail as followers of Jesus Christ when we put a judgement on any people group as a collective!  Some may say they hate Whites, Blacks, Latinos, Asians, Republicans, Democrates, Jews, Arabs etc. There are both failures in these groups and those who exercise greatness, no matter what circle they are in! II Cor. 5:10 reminds us that each one of us ( individually) must appear before the judgment seat of Christ...and Jesus sternly forbids us to be the judge of anyone else- we have neither the intelligence nor the heart to do this with any fairness (Matthew 7:1,2)!  

Having recently returned from Ukraine where every City I visited, except for one, was being bombed, I could never minimize this tragedy!  But God has only one Church and it is a horrific experience for the saints in Russia as well. The Church there has faced threatening divisions within its own ranks about this War- and almost everyone has a parent, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, colleague or best friend in Ukraine!    

I have been traveling to Russia for 32 years now and love this beautiful Country- its amazing people, beautiful culture, and the great numbers of born again, Spirit-filled believers who are as earnest in their faith as anyone I have ever met!  So, I have felt compelled by the Spirit to advocate for prayer to cover this nation against the kingdom of darkness, evil leadership and from implosion within the Church.   One of my dearest friends anywhere is a Russian woman in a City close to Russia's side of the fighting. She has been a frequent contributor to our blog helping us have a more balanced picture of God's people there. The reason I have included her letter this time is because she epitomizes this hunger and thirst for more of the Living God that is in the heart of many of our Russian brothers and sisters!   I have been given permission to use her letter but, for now, it seemed best to withhold both her name and her husband's... 

Shalom, dear Jerry!

I hope you are doing well and you are healthy!! Is there any news from friends in Ukraine?  

Before asking a question, I would like to offer a little testimony.  Over a year ago, a fundamental change began to take place in my thinking about the love of God as a Daddy and His relationship to us. I began to speak honestly with Father, without "correct" answers. Then happened my Exodus from the house of slavery, from the religious system and the religious attitude to the Scriptures (I told about this once).   

When I was looking for the Lord with all my heart, He answered and led me to a spacious place, where He opens up in a completely new way. This changes my outlook on life a lot. Inside, an unusual state appeared, as if all the soil had gone from under the feet, as if all the foundations and supports had been erased.    

It is inspiring, and at the same time exciting, disturbing. There are a lot of questions in my head: what to do with it, what to grab onto? And God says: "I want you to flow in My river freely and without hindrance. Therefore, you do not need to look for supports and branches that you previously clung to. You asked Me to remove all the strongholds - now this is happening. Don't be afraid..."  

My whole inside is in some confusion - everything around is unusual and unusual. The whole world has become difficultly alien, and I am again looking for my place in it. But only in the new version - as His instrument. I believe that the Lord brought me here and I want to be completely free to accept the new. 

And also there are wonderful updates in the faith of my husband! This year, in February, I surrendered to God in prayer. I feeled real grief and gave up my expectations. And I gave my remaining dreams of a husband to Him. I just surrendered to God and left him alone. And then, after a while, God started miraculously works in our home. I couldn't imagine such a thing.   

I am shocked at how the Lord changes the way he thinks and believes. He also began to call God his Daddy and wish a tender relationship with Him! And also he became different in his relationship with me. He is ready to listen to what God reveals to me and accept it.  I am shocked and delighted at the same time! Together we rethink our lives, relationships and goals! I pray for faithfulness and steadfastness not to lose these blessings, but to keep them and come into His presence.  

My soul and spirit seek His rest - Shalom. Is this the place you were talking about in Turkey - the third level?? Is there anything else I need to do now on my part while I am just entering this Shalom? Or just come to Him and get directions? And when there are no instructions, just wait?  

I thank you for your prayers! They are very important to me!! My family sends greetings and blessings to you, dear friend! God bless you.


Steve Carlson almost 2 years ago

Dear sister in Christ in Russia,
I am sorry that your great country is going through this time of leaders saying and directing such bad things. I imagine the conflicts this causes among fellow Russians. Your people have faced so many wars and severe atrocities.

But I sense your hope in Christ, and your celebration and gratefulness for your husband arriving at faith in Him — thanks be to God! You and I both believe that God brought us to our unique places and time for a reason. So we ask Him why He brought us here, like Esther did. And I think of how Jerry and Sue reflect Christ, reaching out to everyone in love. We are fortunate to have God’s love, and I am helped by reading your letter. Thank you!

Lord, please stop the fighting. Please help us to reach out to others with Your love. (Gospodi, pozhaluysta, prekrati boy. Pozhaluysta, pomogi nam obrashchat'sya k drugim s Tvoyey lyubov'yu — Hospody, budʹ laska, prypyny borotʹbu. Budʹ laska, dopomozhy nam zvertatysya do inshykh Tvoyeyu lyubovʺyu.)

Denise Farrell almost 2 years ago

Thank you ,for your heartfelt testimony. There are no enemies in the Lords eyes. Nor should be in ours. Being filled with the holy spirit. Is a blessing of faith. Prayers for strength.

Denise Farrell almost 2 years ago

Thank you ,for your heartfelt testimony. There are no enemies in the Lords eyes. Nor should be in ours. Being filled with the holy spirit. Is a blessing of faith. Prayers for strength.

Marilyn Holms almost 2 years ago

What amazing women who loves the Lord as her daddy and wants to know if she should do more. She lives country where is much turmoil and conflict going on and on. Brave too as she gives up her fears. Bless to hear news of her husband's salvation..Jerry, Thanks for your continued sharing. I am blessed by Nastya Facebook uptake. Love,Marilyn

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