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The tragedy on the Ukrainian side is horrific, many have said, unparalleled since the second World War!  But there is also heartbreak and grief on the Russian side- mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, dearest friends who live just across the border from one another ... The letter below is from a wonderful Russian friend who loves Jesus with all her heart and is leading many others in prayerful intercession on behalf of Ukraine and the suffering among their own people on the battlefront and at home who hate what is hapening in this War... I was touched by Lyuba's compassion and love!  Her hometown is in Krasnodar Russia, just across the border from the fiercest fighting in Eastern Ukraine. 

Peace be with you, dear Jerry!

We continue to pray every day to the Lord with my family and the church for all the dear people in Ukraine! I have a modest correspondence with Nastya Kushnir and cry from what difficulties they all go through But how faithful and courageous they all are!! And also the respected family of doctors in Kyiv is fighting so hard for people's lives. They all are amazing and amazing people!! The Lord will not abandon or forsake His beloved!! Jerry, I read that you are leaving for Ukraine soon? I can imagine what a difficult decision your dear Sue and family and church have made! When are you leaving and will someone be with you on this journey? I pray and worry about you, dear friend, and I look forward to the news!!   

In His faithful love, lyuba 


Anita C Turner about 2 years ago

The hearts of our friends in Russia must be hurting to see the destruction, death and violence their brothers and sisters are experiencing in Ukraine. I know that the people of Russia are being lied to on a daily basis and it is extremely powerful.... especially when it comes from the mouths of so called "newsmen" here in the US. Can a person really condemn a whole country when it's citizens have no idea of the magnitude of what is going on? When the only news they have is created by a madman? I know I can't. I am so thankful that you, Jerry, can tell them the truth and hopefully they will believe you....that's the benefit of the relationships God has allowed you to build over the years. They may not believe the citizens of Ukraine, NATO, Poland and the rest of the world but I know they will believe you. They will also believe that we grieve for their loved ones as well, who are being killed and maimed on the battlefield. I don't care what blood runs through your veins - no mother or father - wants to see their child killed in a war. Especially a sensless war like this one. Please let Lyuba that I am praying for her, her family, her city and her country. In His Love - anita

Anita C Turner about 2 years ago

I found this encouraging in regards to Kyiv and your trip. The link shows a map of hundreds of business reopening in Kyiv. These people are amazing.

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