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Ginean 5 months ago

Thank you Lord for all your provision for these dear children. I ask for a Holy Spirit covering and wisdom for our JCSL team and all those they minister to and come in contact with.

M a rilyn Holms 5 months ago

I so agree with Ginean comments. Sorry only 40% of the children can attend children. I bet their presentation was spot on
They must be very bright children. Good teachers. Love the expressions on their faces. That's for being God's ambassador for this trip. So proud we can proud lunch for them. I want to more. Praying. Blessings, Marilyn

Steve Carlson 5 months ago

I’m glad you four are there to see and digest. And to reach out. I’m glad these children are getting food, education and an opportunity for faith. I pray that these children and staff succeed. I want to know how I can help.

Steve carlson 5 months ago

…. Oh, and please bring back a surprise. Like maybe a water buffalo.

Anita Turner 5 months ago

I am thankful we are able to do what we can for them. I pray that our ability is magnified 10 fold. The parents of these children and the children themselves would most likely be there without the food. They know the way out of poverty is education but what a blessing for us, as a church, to fill their little tummies as well. It's hard to hear the teacher when you stomach is growling. If only students in other countries around the world including ours were so anxious and grateful to go to school. I pray that Jesus covers everyone there with His love, grace and abundance.

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