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 #1   Today we visited people whose homes have been destroyed and now live 150 ft. underground in the subway system. The notes are from children- thankful to be alive, thankful for food ready to fast for God's blessing!

#2   We had to get permission to go down into the subway area where people live. I am still amazed the streets are basically empty, shops closed, and there are bombed out buildings all over the city. People are just afraid and many don't mind saying so. They say all of the Regional leaders have left and much of the City government is gone. but the Mayor has stayed following Pres. Zelensky’s model.  Pastor Gennadii is trying to get an appointment for us with him. I spoke at the church this afternoon to the refugees staying there, some homeless folks and volunteers. It was a really good time together!

#3   These are some of the children in the underground subway. They have very little to do and yet they are so grateful to be in a safe place protected from the bombing! I asked what we can do to help with immediate needs?  They would like wash tubs, health and hygiene products, pajamas (many ran for their lives with only what they were wearing), paper and colored pens for the children. Then I asked about candy and even the adults’ eyes lit up!  We have an all-day meeting tomorrow with the regional pastor Dema Goncharov, the leaders of his church and family who are all good friends!  They live right in the middle of the main bombing targets.  By God's grace they have only had some windows blown out but the church is still intact and standing strong! They have been hosting about 100 refugees!  The day after tomorrow (Thursday) we hope to find the products our friends living in the underground have requested, it would be a great encouragement for them if God would provide these things!!

#4   This is how they have set up their little pods underground. Their food comes from humanitarian food packages- both food and clothes have been distributed by Gennadii's church, which we have been supporting!

#5   A hallway, 150 ft. down in the subway here in Kharkiv

#6   Gennadii is standing next to a cluster bomb that didn't explode (Russia denies using them), directly across from the regional government building, which was completely destroyed from the inside out...

#7   This is the regional government building. It doesn't look too bad from the outside but everything and everybody that was inside was lost...

#8   Many buildings throughout the city are destroyed where we have often been before- but they clean everything up immediately and even plant flowers, as you can see in this picture, to help people to have a sense of beauty and order in the midst of the chaos!     


Steve Carlson about 2 years ago

Wow! How do they do it? I pray that those items are found in order to bring even a small blessing to those folks. I ask God for your safety, and that the fighting would end today. I appreciate the hope that those planted flowers spell.

Denise about 2 years ago

Shalom, Pleased to hear updates when available. Blessings that provisions are being found. Cannot even imagine experience this now. Many years of ministry to our friends. Praying for the lord to lead you to all that is needed. Thank you. Again showing faith in these circumstances , knowing God does make a way. God Bless all of you. Denise

Anita C Turner about 2 years ago

my mind finds it so hard to imagine any kind of normalicy in the midst of all this death and chaos. But, it lightened my heart to read about you mentioning candy to the know your audience! If I were there, I would want candy, too! So normal, so like a grandparent; so you. I wish I could ship every piece of candy I could buy off to every kid in Ukraine. I will be satisfied with praying for their safety, for their Guardian Angels to continuing seeking the face of the Father on their behalf, for their parents to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit and for the defeat of evil in Ukraine, Russian and around the world. May His Grace and Mercy provide a shield for you, Rolfe and others in your group. with much love - anit

Marilyn about 2 years ago

Jerry and Rolfe.
I knew when you be Kharvi the war would become very real..Now l see it. I guess the hardest thing to see the children. I agree with Anita l would love supply them with candy and the needs. Praying you can get those things for them. Adults too. Praying for you can meet with the President. Please tell Gennadii l pray his church plus his dear wife and the revival there. Protection over people and his church. Jerry. Pray Is. 61 for you and Rolfe. Blessings Marilyn

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